Been looking for a buffet for the dining room for a while now,found this one out in Sun City West on Craigslist, let's just saw an hour's drive from where I live. It is definitely the pricey-est piece I've bought on Craigslist. But it is also the nicest. It is a Drexel solid wood buffet, even has wheels on the bottom! All I did was cover it in the Klean Strip Sander deglosser, that I got at Walmart, with 2 coats, let dry overnight, then used a free pint of paint I got from Ace Hardware for some promotion they were having to promote Clark + Kensington paint and primer in one, I got it in Bella Luna, painted 2 coats, distressed edges with a brown glaze, sealed it and voila!!! What do you think? My hubby thought I was crazy painting that beautiful cherry wood, but I like to think I updated it. :)